Wow. This month was a short one, reading-wise! I was in a reading slump for a good part of July, so I only finished 3 books! As always, this is all ok and normal. We all go through times where we read 15 books a month and times where we only read 1. It's all good! Reading is something that should be enjoyed, and if you have to force yourself to read, you probably aren't enjoying it!
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lee
I think this book kind of put me into my reading slump. After reading a ton of fantastic books, this one kind of disappointed me. I had really high hopes for it.
We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizel
This book was great. This entire series is great.
Unravel the Dusk by Elizabeth Lee
Again, I think a lot of my reading slump troubles is this duology. It just wasn't really hitting the spot like I wanted it to. But oh well, we'll try again later
